Salvia Divinorum Dutch Medicine Man grown in 2023

Salvia Divinorum

This Salvia Divinorum manual has been compiled from various Salvia Divinorum websites and other Salvia Divinorum information sources.

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This is an informational resource.

Salvia Divinorum was one of the rarest plants until recently, existing only as a cultigen in one location in Mexico.

Salvia Divinorum was botanically collected by Wasson in the 60's, and is now readily available from several ethnobotanic sources.

Salvia Divinorum is not a party drug

This is important to understand. Salvia is not "fun" in the way that alcohol or Cannabis can be. If you try to party with Salvia you probably will not have a good experience. Salvia is a consciousness-changing herb that can be used in a vision quest, or in a healing ritual. In the right setting, Salvia makes it possible to see visions. Salvia Divinorum is an herb with a long tradition of sacred use. Salvia Divinorum is useful for deep meditation. Salvia Divinorum is best taken, in a quiet, nearly dark room, either alone (if a sitter will not be needed-see below), or with one or two good friends present. Salvia Divinorum is taken either in silence or (sometimes) with soft pleasant music playing.

Salvia Divinorum is unique

In many ways Salvia Divinorum is in a class by itself. No other herb or drug, is really very much like it. It is misleading to compare Salvia Divinorum to other psychoactive substances. Salvia is not "legal pot". Salvia Divinorum is not "legal acid". Salvia is Salvia. Salvia Divinorum is a truly unique visionary herb. Salvia leaf is physically quite safe. It is very gentle on the body. No one has ever died from a Salvia overdose. Salvia is not a stimulant, Salvia Divinorum is not a sedative, Salvia Divinorum is not a narcotic, Salvia Divinorum is not a tranquilizer. Like many entheogens, Salvia Divinorum can induce visions, yet it is quite different from other entheogens. No one knows how salvinorin works in the brain. We do know Salvia Divinorum works differently than any other known substance. 

Salvia Divinorum is used shamanically in Mexico. The dosage (found further down the text) was rolled into a cigar-like shape, and chewed. Effects start in 15-30 minutes, and include visual fixation (trance induction), detachment from the environment, a brownish orange cast to the visual field, and a distinct sense of being in a different "world". A tingling may be felt in the entire body, that grows out from the numbness in the mouth and eventually overtakes the entire nervous system. This is sometimes sensed as a vibration, and in high doses, may cause partial or total ego disintegration. Some have described this dissociative effect as having their body decompose into "energetic worms". Some subjects report sensing "intelligences just beyond reach", silently observing the user from a distance.

Salvia Divinorum grown in 2023


Salvia Divinorum: some concerns

An unprepared, unguided, or latently psychotic user of Salvia Divinorum may perceive these "entities" as either benign or malignant. If they represent an archetypal fear of the unknown, then the user may panic. An appropriate way to deal with this possibility is to assure the user that they will return to normal fairly quickly (effects last 60-90 minutes), and try to draw them into conversation, redirecting the subject away from their morbid fixation.

Salvia Divinorum: some effects

There are no known physical complications arising from use of Salvia Divinorum. Salvia Divinorum appears to be somatically benign, and has been used for positive benefit by people choosing to explore their own consciousness. Salvia Divinorum provides a shortcut to mental states, normally only achieved by years of spiritual practice and meditation. As with most entheogenic substances, the typical usage is episodic, and usually confined to fairly short periods in the life of the user. A typical response is for the user, inspired by a view of reality unencumbered by societal acculturation, is to switch to more traditional spiritual practices, eventually abandoning use of Salvia Divinorum itself.

Using Salvia Divinorum: Traditional Mazatec methods

The two traditional Mazatec methods are quite inefficient in that they require many more leaves than do the other methods. But they are very safe. Traditionally the leaves are taken in a semi-darkened room as part of a healing or religious ceremony. At least one sober person is present to watch over the people who have taken Salvia Divinorum.

A water-based drink made from ground up fresh leaves is one of the traditional Mazatec ways of using this herb. It requires a lot of leaves and tastes unpleasant, so this method is seldom used by non-Mazatecs. Salvinorin is very poorly absorbed from the stomach so it requires enormous amounts of leaves to make the drink effective. But it does work, and trips from the drink last longer than from any other method.

Chewing and swallowing a large number of fresh leaves is the other Mazatec method. When this is done, the leaves are nibbled slowly for about 1/2 hour. Although the chewed up leaves are swallowed, most of the effect is due to salvinorin that is absorbed through the tissues of the mouth during the chewing. This is a less efficient way of chewing Salvia Divinorum than the pruim method (see below). Most people find chewing fresh leaves to be unpleasantly bitter, and for some, it is nauseating.

The pruim method

A ball or cylinder of rolled up leaves is made. This is called a pruim. It is to be chewed. The leaves are chewed slowly, about one chew every 10 seconds. They are kept under your tongue between chews. For half an hour keep the pruim that is being chewed, and the juice that forms, in your mouth. If you can, hold it in your mouth without spitting or swallowing. Then, after the half hour chewing time is over, spit it all out. Have a bowl to spit into, and a towel handy. Salvia juice stains carpets and other fabrics, so be sure the bowl won't tip over. While pruims can be made from either fresh leaves or dried leaves, those made from dry leaves are less bitter. To make a pruim from dried leaves, weigh out 2-8 grams of dried leaves. Gram scales accurate enough for this can be purchased for under $50. If you have no scale, count out 7 to 28 large whole dried leaves. Place the leaves in a small bowl of cool water for 10 minutes. Once the leaves are wet and have been soaking for about 10 minutes, remove the leaves from the water, squeeze the excess water out of them, and ball them up into a pruim. Some people skip this soaking step when they are in a hurry, but chewing on brittle dry leaves may be unpleasant. If you wish, you can sweeten the pruim with sugar, honey, Stevia extract or an artificial sweetener. This will make it less bitter and more pleasant to chew. If fresh leaves are used instead of dry ones, you will need from 7 to 28 large fresh leaves. The effect of Salvia pruims can be increased by first treating your mouth in a special way to increase its ability to absorb salvinorin. To do this you will need a toothbrush and an alcohol/menthol containing mouthwash. Gently brush the lining of your mouth, including the tissue under your tongue, and the top surface of your tongue. This removes layers of dead cells normally present. Do not brush hard enough to cause bleeding. Then rinse with the mouthwash for at least 30 seconds. Be sure to get mouthwash everywhere in your mouth, including under your tongue. Then spit out the mouthwash and rinse once with water. You will experience very little in the first 12 to 15 minutes of chewing. Don't be misled by this. Full effects are usually felt by 30 minutes (the time you spit out the pruim). They remain on this level for about 20 minutes more, and then start to decrease. The whole trip seldom lasts much longer than an hour and a quarter, but this varies.

 cuttings, fall 2023

Smoking Salvia Divinorum Warning

When smoked (in the ways described below), the effects of Salvia Divinorum are overpowering and overwhelming.

Active compounds of Salvia Divinorum

Salvia contains a chemical substance called salvinorin A (often referred to just as salvinorin). Salvinorin is responsible for Salvia's mind-altering effects. It is not chemically related to any other psychoactive drug. Unlike most visionary compounds, it is not an alkaloid. Although it is not habit forming, pure salvinorin is extremely strong. Doses of only several hundred micrograms (millionths of a gram) will have an effect, and doses above 1 milligram (1/1000 of a gram) are too much for most people to handle comfortably. Fortunately, Salvia leaf is hundreds of times weaker than pure salvinorin; therefore, Salvia leaf can be used much more safely than pure salvinorin.


Salvia Divinorum trips - what to expect

Salvia Divinorum trips range in intensity from subtle, to extremely powerful. This holds true both for chewed leaves and smoked leaves. The strength of the trip will depend on how much you take, the way you take it, and your individual body chemistry. Salvia Divinorum trips differ from those produced by other visionary drugs or herbs, and Salvia Divinorum has many advantages:

  • You cannot take a fatal overdose of Salvia leaves.
  • Salvia is not habit forming.
  • Salvia is legal in the Netherlands.
  • You quickly return to normal.
  • Salvia seldom produces adverse side-effects or hangover.

Noise and distraction will interfere with the trip. When on Salvia, watching TV is nothing but annoying; sitting around a campfire in the woods at night, is wonderful. Because Salvia Divinorum can alter perception and behaviour, it must never be used in a public environment-doing so would draw unwelcome attention. Especially if you are not used to it, or are taking a potent preparation like an extract, you should have a sober trip-sitter there to make sure that you don't do something dangerous, like knocking over lit candles, or walking out a window. When Salvia is smoked the effects come on very quickly: in less than a minute. When Salvia Divinorum is chewed the first effects come on at about 15 minutes and full effects at about 30 minutes. Usually a Salvia trip lasts from 15 minutes to an hour. Occasionally trips may last up to 2 hours. To be on the safe side, it is important not to drive or use machinery for several hours after the trip appears to be ended. Most people have no hangover from Salvia; however, some people sometimes report a mild headache. If Salvia is smoked the smoke may irritate your lungs. Salvia Divinorum trips seem to occur in levels. The so called S-A-L-V-I-A scale has been constructed to rate trips. Each letter of the word Salvia stands for another level of tripping. The scale describes six different levels of intoxication, each one more intense than the previous. The overall intensity of Salvia Divinorum trips is scored according to the highest scale level attained during the course of the trip.

S-A-L-V-I-A = Salvia Divinorum Trip Rating Scale

  • Level 1 "S stands for SUBTLE effects." A feeling that 'something' is happening, although it is difficulty to say just what. Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be noted. This mild level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.
  • Level 2 "A stands for ALTERED perception." Colours and textures are paid attention to. Appreciation of music may be enhanced. Space may appear of greater or lesser depth than is usual. But visions do not occur at this level. Thinking becomes less logical, and more playful; short term memory difficulties are may be noted.
  • Level 3 "L" stands for LIGHT visionary state." Closed eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes closed: fractal patterns, vine-like and geometric patterns, visions of objects and designs). The imagery is often two dimensional. If open eyed visual effects occur these are usually vague and fleeting. At this level phenomena similar to the hypnagogic phenomena that some people experience at sleep onset occur. At this level visions are experienced as 'eye candy' but are not confused with reality.
  • Level 4 "V stands for VIVID visionary state." Complex three dimensional realistic appearing scenes occur. Sometimes voices may be heard. With eyes open contact with consensual reality will not be entirely lost, but when you close your eyes you may forget about consensus reality and enter completely into a dreamlike scene. Shamanistic journeying to other lands, foreign or imaginary; encounters with beings, entities, spirits; or travels to other ages may occur. You may even live the life of another person. At this level you have entered the shaman's world. Or if you prefer you are in ''dream time'. With eyes closed you experience fantasies (dream like happenings, with a story line to them). So long as your eyes are closed you may believe they are really occurring. This differs from the 'eye candy' closed eye imagery, of level 3.
  • Level 5 "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence." At this level consciousness remains and some though processes are still lucid, but one becomes completely involved in inner experience and looses all contact with consensual reality. Individuality may be lost; one experiences merging with God/dess, mind, universal consciousness, or bizarre fusions with other objects real or imagined, e.g. merging with a wall may be experienced. At this level it is impossible to function in consensual reality, but unfortunately some people do not remain still but move around in this befuddled state. For this reason a sitter is essential to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to the inner levels. To the person experiencing this, the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the individual may appear confused or disoriented.
  • Level 6 "A stands for AMNESIC effects” At this stage either consciousness is lost; or at least one is unable to later recall what one is experiencing. The individual may fall, or remain immobile or thrash around; somnambulistic behaviour may occur; injuries can be sustained without pain being felt; on awakening the individual will have no recollection of what he/she did, experienced or said in level 6. People cannot ever recall what they experience in this very deep trance state. This is not a sought after level as later nothing can be recalled of the experience.


Picture from the internet


Warning on using pure Salvinorin A

From the book by D.M. Turner

As mentioned earlier, most who have tried salvinorin A find its effects extremely unsettling, and have no desire to repeat the experience. This response comes from people who are highly experienced in the use of entheogens, including many who are writers or leaders in the psychedelic community. From the 1960's to present. It is unlikely that salvinorin A will ever become a popular substance, and many will find using the non-extracted plant material more to their liking. In contrast to using pure salvinorin A, use of the whole plant material, particularly by ingestion, produces a gentler, longer-lasting experience that many have found easier to absorb and have derived greater benefit from. Used in this manner, Salvia Divinorum is also much less overwhelming, and is not likely to present many of the dangers described below. Currently salvinorin A has been used by a relatively small group of people. Information regarding its possible effects on humans is still quite limited, and there is little known regarding the possible toxicity of this substance, particularly at higher doses. Information on the experience of about 50 users has been informally gathered and summarized here. Also presented are some insights I've obtained during approximately 30 sessions using salvinorin A. The use of salvinorin A presents some extreme dangers which are not encountered on other psychedelics.

After smoking salvinorin A, some users will stand up and begin walking or moving around, running into objects that are in their path. People in this state typically move in an agitated manner and seem to be struggling with the experience. Apparently they have no recognition of their surroundings when this is taking place. This response has been noted in only a few people, about 5% of the first 50 subjects. A more common occurrence is for one who has just smoked salvinorin A to not recognize that they are heavily inebriated, and begin to walk around. In these instances the user is able to perceive his or her surroundings, and moves around without bumping into objects. Several people in this situation have wanted to leave the premises where they were conducting their journey, desiring to either drive or walk to another location, and needed to be dissuaded from doing so. Often people who walk around during the journey do not recall doing so once the effects wear off. The presence of a sober person to act as sitter during the sessions has proven very important in dealing with situations such as those described above. Siebert has witnessed reactions of this type and stated: "When the dose goes above 500 to 1000 mcg the effects can be very alarming. I have seen people get up and lunge around the room, falling over furniture, babbling incomprehensible nonsense and knocking their heads into walls. Several people have tried to wander out of the house. When the experience is over, they have no memory of any of this. In fact, they usually remember very different events. To an outside observer, people in this condition have a blank look in their eyes as if no one is present. It is also common for people to have a facial expression which is probably best described as being like that of a frightened animal."

There is also potential psychological danger with salvinorin A. I can confirm from my own experience that it can instantly obliterate any reference to sanity, logic, or even the idea of existing, and make one feel that either one's self or the entire universe has gone entirely and permanently crazy. Occasionally people who have been given salvinorin A, even highly experienced psychedelic users, feel that a bad joke has been played on them by whoever gave them the substance.

One person who tried salvinorin A, who is quite experienced with DMT and most other psychedelics, remarked "Salvia Divinorum made DMT looks like a water pistol, at a dose 50-100 times less." The intensity of a salvinorin A journey is often experienced as being an order of magnitude more potent than smoked DMT, in much the same way that DMT seems an order of magnitude more potent than a typical LSD journey. A large percentage of salvinorin A users also report that the fear factor is much greater than with DMT, which is saying a lot. I feel that no person, no matter how experienced with other psychedelics or altered states of mind, can be prepared for the intensity of a full-strength salvinorin A journey. It is common for users to be shocked, amazed and frightened, at finding themselves in a state they could not possibly conceive of being induced by any psychedelic substance. Certainly the most cautious way for one to approach this substance is to work with the whole Salvia Divinorum.




A sitter increases the safety of the Salvia Divinorum experience.

What is a sitter

A sitter is a clean person present when you (and others) are experiencing a Salvia Divinorum trip.

When you need a sitter

A sitter is absolutely essential if you are taking doses on which you may freak out, become confused, injure yourself, fall, set your house on fire, or do anything that might harm others. Have a sitter present if you are new to Salvia, are experimenting with a stronger form than you have used before, or are using a more powerful way of taking it. An experienced Salvia user who is chewing a pruim, may often choose to do it alone, and may be quite safe in doing so. But having a pleasant, sensible, sober sitter is an absolute must if you are trying vaporization, smoking extract enhanced leaves, or using pure salvinorin. Smoking leaves usually falls in between in terms of risk. Many people have done so without a sitter, but a sitter is never a bad idea. Use sound judgment.

What should a sitter know and do

The sitter must remember that no matter how crazy the tripper acts, Salvia Divinorum trips are short lived. Don't take the tripper to the emergency room (unless, of course, there is a true medical emergency). Keep the person safe and wait it out. If you can't keep the person safe, get help. Otherwise keep the matter private. Within an hour or so (usually much less) the tripper will be back to normal. It's very reassuring to hold onto this knowledge when things get messy. It helps to have done Salvia yourself before baby-sitting another person. Experience with other visionary materials may be only partially helpful. The sitter should know that Salvia is different from these. Touching to "ground the tripper" works for some trippers on some entheogens, but may be very threatening for someone on Salvia. If you plan on touching, clear it with the tripper BEFORE the trip starts.

The roles of a sitter

The sitter has three jobs:

The main job is to keep the tripper, and others who may be present, safe;

  • This comes before all else. The main danger is accidental injury. Your job is to be a gentle guardian. Be as unobtrusive as possible, but remain alert in case the tripper should suddenly start moving about recklessly.
  • Do not use physical force unless nothing else will do.
  • Use of physical force may result in the tripper or you getting hurt. It could be misinterpreted as an assault.
  • Never let Salvia be used if firearms, knives, or other dangerous objects are present.
  • Take the tripper's car keys for safe keeping before the trip starts.
  • Keep the tripper safe from falls, head banging, sharp objects, walking into walls, walking into furniture, walking through windows, wandering out into the street or other public areas, open flames, hot surfaces, and breakable objects.
  • But let the tripper move about in a safe area. Do not grab or try to physically restrain him/her, unless absolutely necessary. Redirect. Speak softly. Gently take dangerous objects away.
  • Use the minimum touching necessary (the confused tripper may think your touching is an assault or rape and react to the imagined danger).
  • You may have to handle unexpected intrusions of strangers and other awkward social situations.

The second job of the sitter is to reassure;

  • Often, simple repeated explanations may help a frightened tripper, e.g. "You're safe, and I won't let anything harm you." "You're just having a bad trip; you'll feel better in a few minutes." "Your name is........". I'm your friend ........"
  • If speech is not called for, be silent.
  • Silence is often less threatening to the confused tripper than trying to decipher what a sitter is saying.

The third job of the sitter is to help the tripper later recall the trip;

  • There are several ways. Use a notebook and record all the tripper's odd doings and sayings.
  • Later you can ask about these. This may help jog the person's memory about what was experienced.
  • Another technique, if the tripper is not too far gone to talk during the trip, is to ask repeatedly "what are you experiencing now?"
  • A notebook, or a tape recorder, can be used to record responses. Since some trippers will prefer that you remain silent and don't record, clear it with the tripper in advance.

Certainly the most cautious way for one to approach this substance is to work with the whole Salvia Divinorum. Start with a low dose.


Common sense guidelines for using Salvia Divinorum

Below you'll find several really common sense guidelines when you are going to use Salvia Divinorum:

  • NEVER DRIVE WHEN TAKING Salvia Divinorum.
  • Choose the time and place of your Salvia Divinorum trip carefully. Privacy and safety are essential. Be very careful about heights, and open flames such as candles. Do not take Salvia Divinorum when you may be interrupted by phone calls, visits, pets, children, etc. Turn off your telephone and set your answering machine to silently record incoming calls. You can return the calls in a couple of hours once you are sober.
  • Give thought to how much Salvia Divinorum you will take, and how you take it.
  • After all Salvia Divinorum smoking material is safely out, lie down in bed, on a couch, or on a carpet. You are much safer lying down than you would be stumbling around. Stay put for the rest of the Salvia Divinorum trip. You can trip best with your eyes closed.
  • Have a sitter (this is especially important if you are new to Salvia Divinorum, taking a high dose, smoking extract, or using a very strong delivery system such as vaporization).
  • Volunteer to be a sitter for others doing a Salvia Divinorum trip.
  • If you have mental health problems, don't take Salvia Divinorum without first discussing it with your therapist, or doctor.
  • Practice and encourage responsible Salvia Divinorum use. Don't give Salvia Divinorum to minors, or to violent or unstable people. Don't share Salvia Divinorum with strangers. Know who you are giving it to and know why they want to use it. Why ask for trouble?
  • Never take Salvia Divinorum while at work or in public. Keep it private. Salvia Divinorum is not for concerts. Salvia Divinorum is not for raves, Salvia Divinorum is not for parties.
  • Do not mix Salvia Divinorum with alcohol. Avoid mixing Salvia Divinorum with other drugs. While experienced Salvia Divinorum users have experimented with combinations, these are not for Salvia Divinorum beginners, and are certainly riskier than just using Salvia Divinorum by itself.
  • Be extra careful of flames (candles, lighters, fire, etc.) when using Salvia Divinorum.
  • Be very careful about using vaporized extracts, vaporized leaves, or smoking extract enhanced Salvia Divinorum leaves. These require a sitter to be present. Chewing pruim or smoking leaves is much less likely to produce out of control behaviour than these are.
  • Never use pure salvinorin unless you are equipped with an ultra-accurate balance that can weigh out doses measured in micrograms, and know exactly how much you can safely take. Even if you do meet these requirements, you still should have a sitter present.


 Check out our webshop for living plants and dried leaves! 


Salvia Divinorum Plant Care: 

Salvia Divinorum is a semi-tropical perennial. That means that Salvia Divinorum can grow year after year, but only if Salvia Divinorum is not exposed to freezing temperatures. Salvia Divinorum is a green plant with large leaves and a distinctive thick, hollow, square green stem. Salvia Divinorum can grow several meters (yards) high if conditions are favourable. When Salvia Divinorum grows high enough, the branches will bend, or break, and may root if they come in contact with moist earth. Although Salvia Divinorum can flower under natural lighting conditions, it almost never sets seed that will sprout.
So the Salvia Divinorum plant is almost always propagated by cuttings. The leaves are oval, weakly notched (serrated) and can be quite large (up to 9 inches in length). They are usually emerald green, but under some conditions, may be yellow-green or even yellow. They are covered with a fine coating of extremely short hairs (trichomes), giving the leaves a satin like velvety appearance in certain lights. Salvia Divinorum plants grow best in partial shade, in well watered, but well drained, soil. The roots must not be kept constantly soaked, or root-rot will set in and kill the Salvia Divinorum plant.
Salvia Divinorum can be grown indoors in any climate. Salvia Divinorum makes a beautiful house plant.
You can grow Salvia Divinorum outdoors all year round if you live in a humid semi-tropical climate, with well-watered, but well-drained soil, with high humus content. If you live in a colder or drier climate, you can still grow Salvia Divinorum outdoors, weather permitting. But you may have to do it with some care, making sure the Salvia plants are protected from frost, watered frequently, and misted when humidity is low. Salvia will not live through freezing or drought. Salvia Divinorum can be grown outdoors in pots which can be brought indoors when it is cold (below 40 degrees Fahrenheit). That way Salvia Divinorum can be grown outdoors in summer and indoors in winter.

Salvia Divinorum soil and watering

Salvia will tell you when it is getting too dry: its leaves will droop. Be sure to water your Salvia Divinorum plant at the first sign of mild drooping-do not let the Salvia Divinorum plant become limp. The soil should drain well but should be kept moist.

Growing Salvia Divinorum in pots

If planting Salvia Divinorum in pots, make sure the pot is large enough to allow the Salvia Divinorum plant to grow well. Although your available space will limit possible pot size, use the biggest pot that is practical. It must have drainage holes. Placing gravel (or broken up pieces of crockery) in the bottom of the pot will help promote drainage and thus discourage root rot. Most commercial potting soil will work well. Adding Pumice, crushed red lava rocks or other forms of volcanic rocks to the potting soil is helpful and beneficial, but not essential.

Fertilizing Salvia Divinorum plants

Salvia will need fertilizer. Any good general-purpose fertilizer will work. Fish emulsion is a good organic fertilizer choice, but because it has a very unpleasant odor, it is suitable only for outdoor use. Mulching with organic matter and adding compost worms to the pots seems to be a great solution for indoor plants. If available, aquarium water is also a great source of nutrients.

Tips for growing Salvia Divinorum

If growing indoors, take the Salvia Divinorum plants outdoors when it is warm enough and let rain fall on them. This will prevent mineral salts from building up in the soil and killing your Salvia Divinorum plant Salvia Divinorum can do well in a variety of different lighting conditions. It does best with a few hours of partial sunlight a day. It can do well when grown indoors near a window. The Salvia Divinorum plants can handle more sun if kept well watered and misted frequently. Salvia Divinorum can also handle moderately deep shade. When changing the lighting conditions or the humidity conditions your Salvia Divinorum plants are exposed to, do so gradually. Given enough time, Salvia is very adaptable, but it may take weeks to get used to a new environment.

Protecting your Salvia Divinorum plants

Many pests can attack Salvia. Whitefly is a big problem for greenhouse grown Salvia Divinorum plants. Aphids, slugs, caterpillars, thrips, spider mites, and scale insects can also damage your Salvia Divinorum plants. Root-rot and stem-rot can be problems. Fungal spots can appear on leaves. It is not known which plant viruses attack Salvia Divinorum, but probably some do, as many attack other sages. Aphids and scale insects can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. Slug damage can be reduced by growing Salvia in pots on a raised deck or palette. Some may still get by and attack your Salvia Divinorum plants. Keep an eye out for these slimy pests. One slug can eat an awful lot of Salvia! Beer can be used to attract and drown slugs. Set a saucer of beer in a slight depression in the ground; the surface of the saucer should be flush with the soil, so slugs can get in, get drunk, and drown. Spider mites can be controlled by dissolving Castile soap in water and spraying the leaves, including the underside. Repeat at two-week intervals for three applications. Caution: there have been some reports of soap damaging leaves, so don't use too much. Your garden hose is your best friend in fighting most outdoor pests. Spray the leaves hard enough to blow the pests away, but not hard enough to damage the leaves. Don't forget to spray the underside of the leaves too. A fine mist nozzle works best for this.

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